Sunday, 4 November 2018

416. Tanked


Drizzly day, children not keen for an outing so we abandoned them in the afternoon and returned to the ruins, across the road. Discovered on entering that entry to the Pompeii ruins are free on the first Sunday of the month, a small win. We decided to focus on the houses with decorations as they are so wonderful.
It would take many hundreds of years for hand carts
to wear grooves in the stone this deep.
Most streets were one way and flowed with sewage.
Not nice in 40ºC plus! 

Priapus n the entry vestibule of
The house of the Vetti

The room decorations are so beautiful, it make me wonder why
we are so timid in the modern world

Much of upper Pompei waits to be excavated 

The place is vast (65 ha)

Mt Vesuvius, always watching

Back in the Giantavan, Audrey enjoying a
well deserved beer glass of lollies which
we shared
Too sweet for me

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