Thursday 19 October 2017

35. Aft burner


After a particularly late start for the five remainers with, for the first time on this trip, me being last to rise. Fyfe was impressed that French Tooth Fairies pay two Euro per tooth which is impressive however by coincidence, I didn't have a one Euro coin either. Not even attempting to do much today as it is also looking to be wet.  Fyfe tackled the mountain of dishes which is certainly appreciated.  He is of the opinion that I am a shoddy workman and the only solution is for him to do it.  An attitude and opinion to be cultivated.

A big morning of homework ensued, with remarkably little fuss with three of them doing a good session of Mathsbuddy all morning and Audrey embarking on some original poetry.  Bit shocked actually - where did these kids come from?  I am completely out of integrity when I pontificate on the importance of school work. 
One giant leap for this man though
one infinitesimal step for mankind.

In the meanwhile I tackled our pathetic gas stove, the left rear burner having being out of operation since we adopted the Giantavan as it had the frustrating habit of internalising the flame.  Turned out to be a ten minute job finding blocked jets and now all three burners have a vigour that will require some recalibration on my part when cooking.

Mid afternoon we headed out to a large auto supplies shop in Vannes. The local garage had confirmed, by phone, that they had a range of microswitches suitable for arming the external lockers on the Giantavan.  Turns out that Mr Cleese was not original and must have visited a supply shop in Brittany himself for inspiration and exasperation.  Tonight I ordered the switches from Amazon, for delivery to sister Elizabeth, Holyport, UK.

Went for a bit of a drive around the Gulf of Morbihan and though I had my nose pressed to the glass, wipers flailing, recognising that these waters would be ideal for boating the kids tired of it though were enjoying the latter halves of Swallowdale audio book.  At ten and a half hours long it is giving us a good yarn though the Brexiteer will be annoyed to miss its second half.

Even the insects are different

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