Monday 5 February 2018

144. Prep


We have now been here for a month, the children are known and I think everyone seems to know Roman. While fetching and carrying water for our washing machine I saw Iris having a long talk with a gent. When I next went for hot water he collared me, enquired if we were off to Morocco. Turned out to be a wealth of information and after about half an hour I got Jacqueline also as they (Liam and Mary) were so informative. Ended up with a whole page of notes and greatly encouraged.

Started packing up, got the boat onto the Disco and stuff onto the Giantavan's roof.

The plan still stands. A lot will depend on how promptly we can exit this campground. New information below
  1. First stop Viajes Normandie, Algeceras. A travel agent that can both book the ferry with an open return ticket and do the documentation for importing the Disco into Morocco
  2. Immigration into Morocco is done on the boat. Liam and Mary failed to do this as it was announced in Moroccan and French on the boat and I suspect they may be as dumb as me when it comes to languages. The result was their being held up for four hours once they hit Morocco.
  3. Go into Asilah, at the second roundabout under a huge mast is Moroccan Telecom who can do data Sim cards. If late by now we can stop at Authentic Port in Asilah.
  4. They also recommended Ourika Camp, south of Marakesh which looks good
Liam and Mary approved of our plans which is encouraging

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