Friday 3 November 2017

50. Summited - 42,000mm

Ile-de-Ré access bridge

33 minutes - phooey.  Would take a Bryan White or Tony Chapman to nail a time like that!
View from Base Camp
Final member of the party arriving.
Base camp 3 Nov, 2017
Day dawned* cool and clear so today was the day to conquer the bridge. Attempted to encourage Roman into a singlet as the day looked cooler and I did not know what conditions would be like at the top, however his argument that whenever you get me to wear a singlet I am colder.  I didn't wear one yesterday and I was warm held sway. We all got a cracking start and were on the bikes by 1200 on the dot.  We made good time with me mostly in second of six gears in order to draft Roman through his reluctance.  Again, Audrey gnashing her teeth (not her Shimano teeth), third in the peleton.

Impressive from any angle
We paused briefly to get to fresh baguettes on the way and paused again when French electronic public conveniences were spotted and as it was now twelve minutes since they had been on outset each had to avail them selves, the process taking such a time that, to my surprise, bladders were bursting again and two of them had to have another go.

Summit - Ile-de-Ré access bridge 3/11/17 15:03 hrs
We pressed on, oblivious to any distraction² and made good time, nailing the nine kilometres to the base in under two hours. We made our way to our under the bridge, base camp, and fortified ourselves, assembling and eating our lunch baguettes in order to build our strength for the final push to the summit while light and conditions were in our favour.  I don't want to run the risk of overstating our achievement but I am very proud that we all made it to the top, got our photo for evidence should the Mollarts require it and got the whole party down without loosing a single soul (I now know how Shakelton felt).  At 42,000mm this structure is the highest in the whole of the Ile De Rae and we, the Royds', nailed it on our second only attempt!

The reckless middle three rode right across and then back again in time to meet Roman and me at the top.  We have agreed not to share which member of the party summited first as that is not important to us considering the scale of the team achievement.  We ask that readers, if there are any, respect this as we do not wish to offend, particularly at future speaking engagements.

*Had absolutely no impact on us, we didn't get up till nine.  I only know this from checking the weather app on my phone tonight while writing this blog.  Cracking start involved the full morning circus as well as the chorus of .....  well, you know the sort of thing.
²This excludes, micro seat adjustments, play grounds, carrion, something in an eye, sore legs, offence at others remarks, thirst, sore bottom, scary bumps, loose laces, helmets needing adjustment, itchy nose, running nose, water bottle checks, gears clicking, cramp, laces too tight, to hot, too cold, too long since last stop, suggestions of better route, horses, sheep, goats, power boats, sweet shop suggestions, ice cream pleading, something in the spokes, front of seat too high and uncomfortable........front of seat too low, now I keep sliding off.


  1. Glad that Frank Hurley was on hand to record the historic moment. I bet the ride down was good

    1. Remind me, what was the name of the Cape where Frank over wintered in 08 prior to photographing us?


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.