Wednesday 8 November 2017

55. Matt is also a sociopath


It is amazing how some things are regarded as a
Toilet cartridge, ours doesn't have the wheels
staple and it is only in its absence that they are appreciated. I probably should be talking about Jacqueline (back Friday) but actually I am referring to data. Things that I didn't appreciate in my normal day to day, prior to going on the road.
  1. Toilets with seats, most in France don't
  2. Working broadband
  3. Indoor clothes lines
  4. Showers that don't cut off every fifteen seconds
  5. Toilet paper in cubicles
  6. Unlimited fresh water, we refill our forty litre Aquaroll twice a day
  7. Unlimited electricity, some camps only give 3 Amps
    Grey water, toilet tank sits on top for transport
  8. Warm showers
  9. Books in English
  10. Plumbed sewage, I empty
    1. Black toilet roller
    2. Grey kitchen roller
    3. Grey bathroom roller
  11. A freezer that holds more than four litres
  12. Dishwasher, we wash about five times per day
  13. Running water to wash car
  14. Phone signal
  15. Draft free showers
  16. Vacuum cleaner
  17. A decent sized fridge
  18. Privacy
  19. Hot water in basins
  20. Unlimited data - no video streaming folks
  21. Libraries
  22. Toilet cisterns that automatically refill, ours holds ten litres and needs refilling daily
  23. Our own washing machine
  24. Sewing machine for running repairs
  25. An Amazon / eBay address
  26. Storage
  27. Paul & Tony's garages, full of tools, just begging for me to borrow
I don't mind the absence of these things at all.
40l fresh water Aquaroll
The absence of these things just takes longer so I was surprised to find that although I am footloose and carefree I have yet to play the uke or read a book on this trip. I struggle to get to bed before midnight.

Today was another administrative day, the first task was organising shipping a wife from the UK and this afternoon, prepping a board report.

Not a bad day, kids relaxed, sun shining, happy with the world and our place in it though listened to podcast Brexit: A guide for the perplexed while washing the car was food for thought.

Loving podcasts, thank you Radio 4, though I'm not claiming enlightenment as yesterday I invested a few hours catching up on The Archers and, I must say, what on earth is Lillian thinking, pandering to the unbearable Matt, abandoning Justin?

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