Saturday 11 November 2017

58. Parental Control

Salles - France

The arrival of two additional MacBook Air laptops, (purchased by me on TradeMe, NZ) with Jacqueline, was met with great anticipation by the remainers is it is seldom easy to get screen time during the day as the children plead homework necessity which trumps any claim I might lay. The arrival of the two additional laptops did throw me into the unenviable task of playing tech support geek, setting both laptops up with six different logins.  

Before rising this morning I could hear cries of delight as the children created their own accounts on the two new laptops, setting themselves as Administrator. In order to connect the laptops to the Bluetooth hotpoint on my phone, so that they had the coveted internet access, they had to grant me Administrator access also. This minor slip on their behalf had, in the twinkling of an eye, their accounts set to managed with parental controls. Today the children learnt that an Administrator can edit and delete other Administrators. This certainly is a voyage of discovery for us all...

Part of the cost of our, two for the price of less than half of one, second hand laptops, both significantly newer than Jacqueline and my laptops, is that they require some purging and getting in order. In our case however, time isn't money.

1 comment:

  1. Much discussion of the arrival of the laptops - no mention of the arrival of Mum! Wasn't that met with equal glee?


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.