Friday 14 September 2018



A proud moment!
By coincidence both Holly and Theo were awarded
Star of the Week for their year group for the same week
Did the school drop off with Elizabeth in her Mothership, me making things much more difficult for Elizabeth by putting the childrens school bags in my car with my luggage and only discovering this minor error when we arrived at the school gates. On the up side Elizabeth doesn't have to deal with these issues often now that we have been gone a year.

A year. I stuffed up the counting in the leader title of each post. Brother Douglas pointed out that we left on the fifteenth of September last year so my blog on the fourth is incorrect, today is a year. Two errors, skipped a number at about post two hundred and skipped ten at post two hundred and thirty. I appreciate the heads up but it did involve me opening over one hundred and fifty posts, incrementing the title, saving then finding the next one. Took four efforts over separate days to work through the lot.

My twelve thirty Heathrow departure was delayed twice meaning that I missed my connection, just. Ran all the way and missed by three minutes. I don't have a bag with wheels with me and lots of material from the trade show. We all know the feeling of running to catch a flight, horrible. I am now sitting in a café writing up this blog and the last three days as I have four hours to fill and a twelve euro meal voucher from Austrian Airlines for my trouble. Unfortunately the family was already at Salzburg to meet me.

1 comment:

  1. 365! Well done! I did laugh (sympathetically, you understand) at your having to open and renumber 150 posts


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.