Saturday 13 January 2018

121. Bribery


Maths on-line time
Finally got the kids back on Mathsbuddy today. Have put the children on strict rations, their daily computer time has been set to nought minutes between the hours of seven am and eight pm (was thirty minutes). For every unit of Mathsbuddy they pass I will still pay them fifty cents and they now gain fifteen minutes of computer time on their login to play games. Audrey did eight units today and was delighted as she gets four euro and two hours on her log in. Roman gets fifty cents and fifteen minutes. I'll pretty much do anything to get them working without having to stand over them which is tedious for all concerned.

Claire, Edward and Matthew
Had camp friends Matthew and Claire with their children Edward who Roman enjoys playing with and baby Maisy over for dinner.  Great fun. They are from Manchester and drove straight here and intending to make their way back slowly starting with Portugal. Their vacating their house and getting on the road has parallels with both our story and Mary and Stuffs. Like us, they hit the road exhausted and are only getting into their stride now. 

Prior to Matthew and Claire arriving, the couple whom I chatted to a month ago who told us about this place appeared in our awning and were absolutely delighted that we had taken their advice and come here. During conversation she asked, I see you have German neighbours, how have they been? - I guess it is a chicken or egg question.....

Mightn't look like much to you but
very pleasing to me.
Hint for cleaning. I cleaned the wall of the caravan that is inside the awning a month ago with detergent. Today I noticed that it was disgusting with road film. Nothing I could do would remove it. I remembered I made the same mistake on the Disco's refurbished wheels. Cleaning with detergent creates an ideal bonding surface for road film. The answer is to make sure to wax the cleaned area with car polish so that the road film doesn't get a good grip the next time. Luckily I still had a spray can of Wurth Industrial Cleaner that managed to get the road film off, with a lot of work. Spray on car polish now applied.

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