Wednesday 17 January 2018

125. Shot through


Local supermarket car park is a solar farm - makes sense
Up in good time and got a heap of work written as well as various jobs including multiple loads of washing in our little machine. The plan had been to go to the beach today however there was a fair wind unexposed parts of the campsite and it would have been stronger at the beach.

While doing the washing I heard, through the hedge other campers talking about the flu that is ravaging the UK, niece Amelia included, and how some had it here. Right, that's a call to action.

Fyfe and I went into town to find where we can get Flu vaccinations. Queued by number at a small medical facility and when our number came up we went to the reception and they didn't know what a flu vaccination was, even with the help of Google translate. The did offer a tetanus vaccination which we declined. We and ended up at the medical centre who said we didn't need appointments and that they were open till ten.

The walk of doom
Home for dinner then off to the medical centre. Kids were great about it, quite a wait at reception after I had paid sixty euro then Fyfe and Jacqueline went in to the surgery, with the doctor. A minute later he was out asking the nurse for the immunisations. The nurse asked me. Turns out you have to buy the immunisations yourself at the pharmacy. The sixty euros was just for the doctor to administer the injections. The pharmacy was now closed for the day. They were good enough to refund the sixty euro and we have to repeat the whole process tomorrow, after visiting the pharmacy first.

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