Friday 16 March 2018

183. The Longest Day

Holyport UK / Giantavan in Andalusia, Spain 

Bit conflicted. Is this blog a record of our caravan trip as implied by the name or my personal diary? I suggest a bit of both. I certainly acknowledge that I have not made any effort to account for the families individual experiences apart from when I am involved, as this trip is six unique but intertwined adventures. To date, I have not let the children read this blog as I don't want to colour their experiences with my perspective. I have also, deliberately, only made slight reference to the huge impact on me that handing over my role as European Sales Manager to my supremely capable colleague Mark Luney thereby ceasing to work for the company I love, co-founded and have worked within continuously, for the last twenty six years. This dynamic, growing company is now in the hands of a professional CEO who replaced both me and the GM when I left NZ thirty months ago and now I am one of four board members guided/coached by our very capable Chair, Kendall. Performing my role of board member occupies much of my thinking while travelling and requires a remarkable amount of preparation, VoIP discussions and virtual meetings. 

Today I am in Holyport with sister Elizabeth, Tony and family as I am en-route for NZ for our company AGM. Giantavan life continues for the three weeks that I am away as it has on the two occasions that Jacqueline was away, once to NZ for three weeks to  receive our junk (household effects) and once to the UK, for a week, with Audrey.

I have decided
  1. I will keep the day counter running for the trip
  2. I will post as a personal diary plus anything learned of Giantavan life in Spain
Back to the blog....

Met Brian at the car at four am, as arranged, and set off for Alicante airport, an hour and a half away. Driving the Disco I was reminded how one feels at the end of a day's tramp when you take your pack off and feel like you could jump over trees. The Disco was so smooth, quiet, powerful and responsive without Giantavan, boat on roof, roof bars and mounting timbers, family and luggage that it felt like a thoroughbred. The hundred and twenty kilometre per hour speed limit was faster than I could process after six months at eighty kilometres per hour so we settled at a comfortable hundred and ten for the long drive on beautiful, deserted, motorways. It was a great opportunity to yarn with Brian who is a deep thinker.

Arrived Heathrow and met by our wonderful friend Jennifer who is founding an incredible, exciting new business that is just taking off. I am in absolute admiration and awe of both her resolve and vision. We drove to Oakley Court Hotel for a coffee, a place I had passed many times while living in Holyport but never visited. Needless to say, one could get used to a place like that should one be of other means. Driving through our home village of Holyport, looking at the two homes we had lived in  I was surprised that I do not regret leaving but I certainly miss the many wonderful and generous friends that we made.

Had a great catch up then Jennifer dropped me at Elizabeths, and so exciting to see her again. Elizabeth and Tony are the reason that our whole UK experience was so wonderful. Walking to school with Elizabeth, pushing Amelia was a wonderful as was the chance to surprise Victoria in the group of mothers waiting for children by invading her personal space. Victoria was the first of Ent's friends to go out of their way to make us welcome in the village, when we originally arrived.

After dinner Tony and I headed to Paul's who was home alone for an evening of elaboration. Later in the evening we were joined by Tim and Ed which was great. I really enjoyed hearing the details of the Boy's Ski Trip to Sweden which I had also been invited. 

The twenty one hour day made it's impression on me.

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