Sunday 25 March 2018

192. Factory Recall


Some of the art is questionable
Antony and Brenton enthusing
Giant Spacies spoilt by
Douglas' poor game skills
Started the day o eight early in the square by the ruined cathedral. I parked in the burbs and Boris biked into the square to meet brother DouglasAntony and Brenton, our super enthusiastic, knowledgeable rebuild friend. Coffee to start obviously (thank you Brenton) and then on to The East Frame a six hundred metre long inner city housing development. It is hard not to get swept along with Brenton's enthusiasm and it is refreshing to spend time with someone so positive about the future of the city. We walked through the city making our way generally south and I must say I am pretty impressed. Things are coming on well for the city and though there still are some quake wrecked buildings standing and some abandoned buildings it really does feel like the central city is starting to come alive again. We ended up at the arts centre and Eggs Benedict and coffees all round hit the spot. Antony Borris biked off to feed his parking meter and returned, chuffed with the experience.

Douglas and I Borris Biked back to my car, back to his family then we left for the farm in the Type R with Anna-Marie and the boys following.

Down at the farm, sister Stephanie and Ian were already there in their new Rodney which is very nice indeed. Their previous Rodney, bought from Jennifer, had done them sterling service thanks to Ian's ever developing Rodney service skills and this one I am sure will also do sterling service thanks to those same skills.

Mother put on a smashing spread for lunch which the eight of us happily demolished then following lunch it was time for the list which we had been warned was long. It turned out that Uncle Kelvin's Karcher drain clearing attachment did not Link's Karcher and while I was fossicking around in the tractor shed for the farm Karcher which incidentally did not fit the attachment either returned a failure, bedraggled in cobwebs and detritus, only to find that Ian had simply removed the down pipes and cleared blockages himself. Glad I was there to be of no help. The rest of the list was easily toppled, by Douglas mostly, and we happily demolished another fantastic corned beef meal in the evening. The family all left and it was lovely to be back home with my Mum.

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