Saturday 9 June 2018

268. White noise

Ispra, Maggiore Lake, Italy

A day at camp which the children always enjoy. Homework seemed to be done voluntary which was refreshing. Jacqueline and I went for quite a row (verb not noun) in Teasel, now that we have oars but no photos as the children needed the phones hotspot for data for their homework. We ended up moored in the trees, (behind Iris in the photo below), in the shade, having a long conversation, the lapping waves on the shore enabling us to have private conversation for a change.

The camp seems to have hundreds of day visitors who all know each other, with organised games, meals etc. Not sure how many are staying the night but I am glad we are at the far end of the campsite as there now appears to be a night disco in the pool area which we can only hear standing outside as I write this blog.

Late afternoon we ventured into the pool with many of the day visitors are but had to leave at dusk when the pool closed. It appears that in Italy, public pools have to have a life guard on duty. At the last camp we were surprised when a life guard supervised our  family swimming.
Jacqueline reading Harry potter to the family

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