Tuesday, 3 April 2018

201. Three days, five flights

LAX to Holyport to Madrid

Actually via LA, the other way round
Uneventful trip to LHR. Normal non/partial conversations with fellow passengers. Watched movies I can’t remember* and got half way through the latest Blade Runner which is excellent but disturbing**

Met off the plane by Jennifer which was lovely. We returned to Oakley Court for hot chocolates, could hang around there much. 

To Elizabeth’s to be met doubtful Amelia (2) and enthusiastic Holly and Theo and Tony. A daunting pile of stuff to be taken back including birthday presents for Roman and steering arms (again) for the Disco also greeted me. 

Lovely afternoon with our UK family and sorry I wasn’t able to catch up with the lads but with Roman’s birthday tomorrow I want to get back. 

Six forty flight to Madrid from LHR then connecting flight to Alicante. Feeling shattered as it has been a long trip. Fell asleep at the gate but a fellow passenger that I had chatted to woke me for boarding. 

Slept the whole flight, including take-off. Taxiing into MAD I looked at my phone and realised that my connecting flight had already departed. Referring to my Expedia App I discovered my flight out of LHR had been delayed one hour and twenty minutes. No wonder I now felt a bit fresher. 

Messaged Jacqueline and she was, with the children, already waiting at Alicante for my flight, on time, arriving at 0020. 

Queue for Iberia desk
Perfec (referencing pop Larkin)
Walked through a deserted MAD terminal and found an Iberia desk that organised a hotel / bus and a 0715 flight. This would have meant a very early start for the family. The obliging Clark changed me to 1145 and I am glad he did. 

After a wait for the bus and a queue at a lovely five star hotel the Meliã Castella I was in. The bath was heaven. 

*Not admitting to certain movies 1-3 featuring Fat Amy
** I can imagine Kendall rolling his eyes and saying HTFU if he reads this

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