Sunday 29 April 2018

227. Landing


Sunday, day of rest, well aware that heavy rain is coming. All the stuff junk out of the front locker of the Giantavan is in Fyfes little tent that his friends Oscar and George, in NZ, gave him the birthday before we left however the tips on the flaps gave out long ago, the result of enthusiastic children ripping them open and closed. Rigged up the large tarpaulin that we use as a ground cover for the front of the site when camping on sand in an attempt at stopping sand egress. 

There it is (click photos to view)
The camp shop had run out of baguettes by nine thirty (they run out every day, makes me wonder if there is something they could do about it?) and my gps showed a bakery just a step down river. It didn't exist when I got there but I did find a floating landing platform that I might sail Teasel from some time this week - really excited about the prospect. Will look for a nice twelve knot day. As you can see above left, today at nearly twenty knots and rain would have been a bit much. I will definitely start by going upstream!


  1. Will you fit your rig under the bridge, or do you anticipate some impressively athletic rowing?

    1. Could fit under the bridge with a virtual me standing on top of the gaff holding vertically another mast and gaff above my head ie. the bridge is huge for ships on the Rhone

  2. Philip, I've zoomed right in on Google Earth, but can't find the Giantavan at the point you indicated. Confused

    1. Contact Cambridge Analytica Phone: +44 20 3828 7529


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.