Saturday 7 July 2018

296. Shopping High

Matterhorn, Switzerland

Click here for online image, full size
Having waited three days for the weather today was the Matterhorn day. Woke at six thirty before the alarm went off so got off to a cracking start. The station is just an eight minute walk so I set off in good time for the nine thirty train to Visp then, reversing our tracks to Zermatt. We took the train as it is included in our discount card and the road stops at Täsch and we would have to train into Zermatt anyway. The brochure for the discount card states that it can be bought at the station however we arrived at Raron station to find it closed. Was relieved that there was no conductor on the train and we bought the two day travel pass at Visp without issue.

The discount card comes with a fantastic map above, which lays out the whole area in 3D. The three passes that we did is top right, yesterday's trip to Grimmentz departs bottom left, the rack railway to lview the Matterhorn is bottom right and tomorrows trip to see Europe's largest glacier from the Eggishorne Gondola is centre left.

Travelling to Zermatt I melted, sitting in the sun as the train was stifling. Oozed out at Zermatt for a brief respite before embarking on the rack railway's impressive five thousand climb.

Departing Visp for Zermatt .....
..... reading German newspapers found on the seats
Waterfalls, green and mountains, could be NZ
Big rocks in the distance
The train was sometimes wheel powered (fast) and rack on the steep bits.
Didn't stop to change.
First view of - The Matterhorn
The Matterhorn from the rack railway
We were up the front and once moving a door opened beside the driver
so Roman and Audrey rushed in.
Drivers compartment from our front seat
Steep, steep steep
Five thousand feet in total
Was quite pleased with this snap of the Matterhorn....
... until I got this coming out of the tunnel 
The Zermatt marathon was on, thousands of runners.
These ones had to wait for us.
Must admit, even if I could I have no interest in such events,
the competitors do not appear happy or healthy.
Good luck to em
Under avalanche shelters
Many passing sections.
These are the older trains that are half the size.
Out of the trees onto the open ski slopes
Double track for the top half as this is for ferrying skiers in the winter
Tows everywhere.
I definitely have the itch
Progressing up at twenty kilometres per hour
Monster Glaciers, this is the Theodulgletscher
Nearing Gornergrat, hotel has two observatories on top
Loads of people coming down as the marathon was to here
The Matterhorn
Took and deleted hundreds of virtually identical photos
Higher than one can fly without oxygen

Audrey, Iris, Fyfe, Roman and Jacqueline 
Audrey's chips ready to burst due to the low pressure at altitude
Breithorn Peak, 4,164m 

Fyfe and Roman shooting each other with the pay-per-view telescopes which nobody ever use

Thermals billowing up from Italy
KI Matterhorn Gondola
That's the Gondola in the centre of the snap
Black mountain birds are peoples souls - apparently
A helicopter silently flew as a dot in front of this
Grenzgletscher again

Loved the hotel chimneys
Can't imagine how these rocks stay put
Of course, there were shops.
Here Fyfe's birthday Swiss Army Knife is getting engraved 
The station
Loads of discarded thermal blankets to be snaffled, cast off by
marathon finishers

You are lucky, this is the last
Looked up at the station and saw this
Steepest platform I have ever seen
Maybe one more
Roman delighted with his incredibly expensive Panda
5:1, I didn't have a chance 

Front seat again
This snap doesn't count.
It is a train snap 
Audrey was keen actually
A snap of the catenary wire (left)
A flora snap
Its gotta be snapped
Audrey platting Romans hair on the long trip home.
Fifty five minutes felt like a long trip


Matterhorn, September 2007
Dad, Ian (died Feb 2011); sister, Elizabeth; Mum, Almond; brother Tony
Taken with the same camera that Uncle Tony generously gave to Fyfe
Thank you Tony for this photo


  1. Brilliant photos (even all of the Matterhorn in the distance ones) - loved the ones of kiddies at the top. What a huge adventure you're having. It's 28 degrees here so your photos are making me feel cooler!

  2. Fantastic, great pictures. You can ski in from the Italian side (Cervina) which is slightly cheaper than skiing in Zermatt. Wish we were with you...

    1. Mollart always welcome - as are all the Holyport crew.
      Just don't ask us to plan ahead.


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.