Monday 9 July 2018

298. HBTF

Raron, Switzerland

Fyfe turned thirteen today. Lovely day, with Fyfe generously sharing every moment with his siblings.

Breakfast for the birthday boy by the siblings.
Here Iris is cooking bacon.
I was dispatched to the supermarket for provisions
Audrey cooking mushrooms.
Apparently teenagers are allowed coffee so that is how Fyfe's morning started.
Serenading in Fyfe's breakfast, Roman bringing up the rear
Game paused, breakfast ensued.
Apparently one is allowed unlimited computer time on one's birthday
Breakfast done, presents started

Clever little dot-to-dot created at midnight by Jacqueline and Audrey 


Audrey created a mosaic used her diabetes lollies

Engraved Swiss Army Knife

Paper by Audrey. “It took aaaaggggeeessss”
Fyfe's boy talents still work on sisters
New top, Fyfe not completely forgiven for atmospheric conditions 
Vans - essential apparently

How did he manage before he was armed?
McLaren from Grandma
Lunch at Subway had been on the list for months.
Involved a half hour drive
A muffin!
Unbelievably pathetic effort J&P
Thank you Fyfe for a lovely generous day. You are a wonderful young man.


  1. Happy Birthday Fyfe
    Simon & Ali - North Wales

  2. Happy (belated) birthday Fyfe! Looks like fab day. We agree he is a wonderful young man and our favourite morning visitor! Kirsty & the Clarks


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