Tuesday 24 July 2018

313. Countrywide


Moved and set up
Mountains with everything
The thin grey lines are the borders
Realised that today was the last day to enrol Fyfe into year nine at Cashmere High School for next academic year, starting February.  Luckily I had school reports etc. from Holyport College, his last school so was able to complete the application in time. Most of Fyfe's friends are going as well as Findlay, his cousin who is a year ahead.

Drying loose hay with a Tedder
Late in the afternoon we went for an explore. Turns out Vaduz, halfway up the country was only fifteen minutes away so, we did the whole country before dinner, well the left hand side of it as the right side is not easily drivable. Mostly, along the roads things are semi industrial like South Auckland or farming with hand walked sickle bar mowers mowing the hay. Tedding is done by tractor and then the loose hay is swept up by tractor and trailer to be blown into a barn. Returning home we got stymied by roadworks so returned via Switzerland, as one does, adding an extra eight kilometres to the round trip.

Very hot here so particularly grateful for the AC which keeps the Giantavan at a very pleasant sixteen degrees centigrade during the night. Now running it during the day as well as the kids are less restless and more inclined to do their homework.


  1. When does school start? Do you have a return to UK/NZ date? Kirsty


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.