Monday 1 October 2018

382. Take the long way home

Venice (ish)

Big drive to Venice today. I was suspicious, but not suspicious enough when I saw we were going through Venice but I had Avoid Ferries selected. I only realised when we were on the wrong track once on the causeway to Venice. Not really the kinda town to be towing a Giantavan. Don't know what was going on with the GPS Co-Pilot, had to abandon it as it kept insisting on taking us through Venice.

The campsite is huge
The last third of the trip, from Gorizia was in pouring rain, been a long time since we have driven in the stuff. As we are doing eighty anyway it just means that most of the traffic comes down to our speed. Doesn't make the driving difficult as we aren't passing anyway. Wasn't actually raining when we arrived at this huge camp which was a relief as I need someone watching the back end for both swing and reversing, particularly in the dark.

Weather looks good tomorrow so hoping for Venice
Office says there is a bus from the gate, or a twenty minute walk
Then two ferries, a great way to approach Venice, from the sea


  1. Huge campground! Impressive swimming pools - warm enough for swimming?

    1. Absolutely, 18ÂșC here currently and the pools are heated.
      Children are aggrieved as we are dragging them to Venice today, as one does.

  2. Venice by sea would indeed be cool. Tony


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