Saturday 4 August 2018

324. Change


Got Teasel off the Disco in preparation for the big haul to Munich to meet Mother, Monday evening. Teasel looking a bit tatty and almost holed in the soft wood by the centre case (who said rotten?) and need of some TLC so will need to get to a hardware store for some happy time.

While getting the boat off the Disco a DC3 rumbled over except it wasn't a DC3 as it was more angular. I had no idea what it was but know the type on reading the horrible news of the 1939 JU-52 crash yesterday. Had heard these big radials rumbling round occasionally over the last month. My guess is that air density nailed them at eight thousand feet in todays incredibly hot weather but I am keeping that to myself - a sad day for historic aviation.

Really enjoying BigWal's* blog on his Vietnam biking trip except I think the bot has nailed him for a couple of days. Hope he surfaces soon.

Roman set up with two computers so that he could play online with his camp friend Jason, from Holland.

After organising our trust accounts (overdue), mail forwarding in the UK and Mothers accommodation in the next campground we set off for Innsbrook by Disco, twenty minutes down the road. On arriving I found myself in a mall with clothes shopping on the agenda. Like all oxygen depleted malls around the world I was soon yawning and complaining and so was ejected, with the younger two, back onto the street - phew. We got caught in a downpour however as it was thirty degrees I enjoyed the wetting and to their surprise, Roman and Audrey did not completely dissolve. Eventually we ventured back into the mall, found a toy shop with a seat in the middle and it is possible that one of us promptly fell asleep for a bit.

We had, for once, our EyeWitness guide so Jac and I enthusiastically set out to follow the trail with a commentary of complaints from the ingrates.

An interesting mix of old and new thanks to the efforts of the allies seventy years ago.
Hundred and seventy year old cake mixer in a shop display.
What an engineering feat

Cigarette vending machines out number ATM's
Still allowed appealing cool advertising over here. 
The Golden Roof, symbol of Innsbrook is impressive.
Dates from 1500

Iris thrilling to the delights of Innsbrook

Me delighting to the thrills of Innsbruck.
May have been a bit judgemental on the Iris snap.
The cathedral was bombed out with a collapsed roof.
Lucky it wasn't an earthquake!
(I need to get over myself, Christchurch quake and the needless hasty destruction)
Entry was free but a fifty cents ticket from a vending machine to take photos.
Great idea
Stunning new frescos

Almost fell over backwards taking this snap
The marble is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen

Went to a money machine to get cash.
Option €100 note or change?
Won't take the change option again!

*Wedding groomsman a hundred years ago

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