Thursday 9 August 2018

329. Research


The supermarket across the road has finally opened today. I wandered in there with the AP yesterday with a trolly and though the fridges etc. were loaded we got blank stares from the tradesmen. When I went at lunchtime for provisions there were hotdogs, drinks, beers etc. being dispensed outside but I didn't ask and forgot about it. When I went back for dinner provisions, the day being over thirty degrees, supermarket fridges larger than Giantavan fridges I enquired and all was free as part of the opening promotion. Returned to camp, filled the Disco with freeloaders and returned. The children were delighted as it is about as close to restaurant food as they get and the AP wilting in the direct sun also reflecting off the supermarket glass, and retired round the corner into the shade where she joined a couple at a stand up table. Freeloaders soon retreated back into the Disco for camp as we were all soon wilting.

Also visited the hardware store with Fyfe and we enjoyed our unencumbered time researching including watching a video on how to build a carport and deck using  the Spax System. We eventually returned, complete with polyurethane, wood and waterproof PVA to effect a repair on Teasel at a later date.

A swim, yarning with my mum and neighbours, second number plate light fitted, rounded off the day nicely.

Still no accommodation for the AP, Saturday night, Salzburg. 

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