Friday 31 August 2018

351. Hipster


Unfortunately, Jacqueline is off colour today as is Maisey.

I was up in good time to take Matthew, who looks like a cross between a redneck ice truck driver and a dirty hippy, to the local barber (his choice). Fyfe, Matthew and I arrived at the Disco to find it completely flat as an interior reading light had been on for the last two days. On returning to the Giantavan J informed me that the toilet is full and needed! Fyfe got the forty metre extension cord and I got the battery charger and we took it to the carpark and was able to reach power, and the Disco. I returned to empty the toilet and did the dirty on Fyfe forcing him to return the now empty toilet cassette while I took the now late Matthew into Mondsee for his appointment which was a dirty trick indeed so I was very apologetic on my return.

While Matthew was getting preened I yarned on the phone to a couple of mates in NZ while drinking a awful coffee in an awful cafĂ© across the road till out popped a Hipster and a pretty dapper one at that. Wish I had taken a photo. We are all really enjoying their company.

Claire and Maisey shopping and Roman and Edward's shops


  1. After investigating, I was pleased to discover that 'Cat Tongue', as being sold in one of the shops pictures, is in fact a sort of European biscuit (containing chocolate).

  2. Was about to ask about the cat tongue too!


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.