Friday 24 August 2018

344. Coloured my enjoyment


The big question was what species of foreign bird will we import into NZ? We agreed that, like my Mum with her family in 1954, a Cuckoo Clock would be a nice moment of our trip so it was back into Passau, fourth day in a row for Jacqueline to make the purchase. Also her phone was not charging and we need the phones operational. 

Before we left after lunch, the children played, very happily, some elaborate hostage game with the tie down straps for transporting Teasel's rigging.

Driving in to town we dolled out coloured hard boiled eggs. Jacqueline peeled mine and I took a bite and almost threw up, gagging I weaved my way to a stop and spluttering sulphurous egg and almost reaching disposed of it in the grass verge - not a pleasant experience. Thankfully the secondary roads here are almost deserted as GPS navigation direct everyone to quickest,  not shortest by default.

Finished listening to The Jungle Book: The Mowgli Stories which we all really enjoyed.

Roman seems happy enough
I wasn'table to tack advantage due to the armed guards 
Decided on this rather dashing jacket for me but
it turns out I am but a boy and could have wrapped
the jackets in stock round again.
I arrived at the shop to be met by this
While the Audrey, Roman and I waited for the others to
do a department store we wandered into
Kath. Pfarramt St. Nikola/St. Paul

Very beautiful and the organist was practicing
Always wonderful

View from the church door
Knocked on the door and a very obliging man arrived.
We decided on this clock


  1. I was getting worried then that you'd never get a clock! Can we see a photo of the actual cuckoo?!

    1. That is it, last photo on today's blog, the red one with cedar stripes. Has a chime and two bellows.

    2. No, no, she meant a photo of the "cuckoo", not the clock

  2. Disappointing about the jacket. That one would definitely have made you look like Matt Damon


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