Friday 17 August 2018

337. Rickety

Eging, Germany

Delighted to receive the following reply to the camping store in Passau, this morning.

We can repair your Awning. Which Awning do you have?
Thule Omnistor or Fiamma.
What exactly is broken.
Can you send me fotos, please.

Manuela Beham

Caravan Wolff GmbH
Schaldinger Str. 20
94036 Passau
Tel.   0851/8 99 99
Fax. 0851/ 8 99 98
I replied
Brilliant. Can bring it today.
Light grey roof panel fault only. Broken down in the UV. Photos and descriptions in my blog. 
Regards Philip
Then I thought, I should phone them first. Waited till they reopened for the afternoon and discovered that they can only supply glue on repair kits - bugger, no good for canvas knackered by the UV. 

Into Egging after searching Hardware Shop near me in Maps and finding a great hardware shop.

5m x 5m cream shade sail looked just the ticket
Range of colours required a video call to the CEO
Grey would make the awning too dark inside?
White might get dirty?
Settled on cream.
Awning 2.8m wide plus the filled in corners
PVA, the bigger the container the cheaper it is
€12 for the pail, already had the smaller container
Had to do it with the awning erected, no other way of aligning everything.
Just glued the top edge to the bolt rope canvas.
Very uncertain of a result at this stage.
I had to stand on the  lightweight camping table on wooden blocks with plastic step on top,
not ideal but no real options. Lucky to get away with it.
Wouldn't have been easy without this brush.
PVA - marvellous stuff, waterproof and brush washes out in water.
Also really fun to peel off ones fingers when dry. 
First trimming to size
Glue right to the edge to prevent fraying
Finished, carried the fabric out to the points over the doors
Has to be admired from every angle - right 
Not surprisingly, it took the whole afternoon. Listening to the audio of the Ted Ed videos that the children were watching in the Giantavan while I was working was a pleasure. How did Hitler rise to power particularly poignant at these times. The children made the obvious leap to what is happening in the US.


  1. Good job! Looks great. Hope it goes the distance

    1. ... at least you'll get decent manufacturer support on thus one

    2. Dodgy, unreliable tradesman with unrealistic demands

  2. Looks fab - can't beat peeling UVA glue off your fingers....


Please feel free to comment as I often feel like I am writing in a vacuum.